Vesti cum nu se poate mai bune vin de la vecinii nostri din Vest. Arhitectul Zaha Hadid a fost desemnat de catre autoritatile unguresti, in colaborare cu ORCO Property Group, sa proiecteze un nou spatiu contemporan chiar in inima Budapestei, in piata Szervita, pentru a inlocui un parking-building vechi, reminescenta a perioadei socialiste. Cladirea va fi ocupata in totalitate de spatii pentru birouri, exceptand nivelul subsol unde vor exista magazine si spatii `leisure areas` precum un restaurant, club sau sala de fittness. "Our goal is to give the inner city an injection of contemporary elegance. A state of the art building with high quality work spaces would strengthen the multifunctional character and urban vitality of Budapest’s city centre. The historic city must maintain its function not only as a cultural centre, retail centre and provider of tourist destinations, but equally as a central business location that provides top value work and business communication spaces." Thumbs up pentru Budapesta! Noi suntem oricum cu 10 ani in spate... for more details visit here [ +]
Labels: #Design + Advertising, #Lifestyle + Fashion, #Urban Culture |
astia cum naiba pot?!