"Bonjour, Jolie matin, le joyeux fleur de notre jardin. Thanks to the magic of global warming this year we have decided to skip Winter. Plunged into Spring by a higher command we are suddenly horny as hell, and want to engage in some filthy action to give birth to the raunchy flower that will be Hardcomics7. That is why we have decided to make this issue a little more 'spicy'. The theme of the next issue will be 'the first time you had sex'. This can always be stretched a bit, but that is the initial premise. The format and restrictions are the same as usual > A4, Black and Wite, low res initially (we'll contact you for the high res scans). DEADLINE > 30th of MARCH! Please tell all your friends, and remeber this issue will be SEXXXXXYYY. Love and Sprockets, Hardcomics Crew
Labels: #Arts, #Design + Advertising, #Urban Culture |
am ajuns la fix aici ca sa aflu din timp despre HARDCOMICS 7. Am mai browsat blog-ul tau. cam tare. nu stiam de el, dar o sa il recomand mai departe.
o zi buna!